With exclusive use of our lovely new Cove pool – there is no better place to be, for some mummy and bump time!
Whether meeting other new mums, wanting to keep active or just weightless relaxing – the benefits of our aqua natal classes are as follows:
?? Safe exercise, helping to cope with the extra strain of pregnancy
?? Keeping fit during pregnancy is extremely important both physically & mentally
?? Buoyancy, relieves stress on weight bearing joints
?? Hydrostatic Pressure, a force within water that can significantly reduce swelling on lower limbs
?? Helps prepare for labour
?? Promotes pelvic floor awareness
?? Reduces back pain
?? Improves core stability
?? Improves sleep quality
?? Reduces fluid retention
?? Increases circulation
?? Provides social support meeting other mummies!
……. The list goes on!
Classes are delivered term time, on a Monday morning. We also have different guest speakers in each week from all different, local baby businesses!
If you need advice on breast feeding or what car seat to buy – we hope to have it covered!